Thursday, November 28, 2013

Stretchiest Skin - Dehnbarste Haut der Welt! - Guinness World Record

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Earth Under Water in Next 20 Years?

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A look at future Human evolution, what we might look like and how we have

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Life in 2050

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amazing sony technology.mp4

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Exam cheating technology in japan

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Grace people of the world! Live Tom

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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Power of Nanotechnology Video Blow Your Mind

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Nokia 888 E Qwerty Touch Windows 8 Features Concept Phone |

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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Best Inventions of the Year 2012

Robots, rovers and the rest of 2012's most important innovations, from the affordable to the extreme
    • indoor clouds

      That’s not Photoshop. The Dutch artist Berndnaut Smilde has developed a way to create a small, perfect white cloud in the middle of a room. It requires meticulous planning: the temperature, humidity and lighting all have to be just so. Once everything is ready, Smilde summons the cloud out of the air using a fog machine. It lasts only moments, but the effect is dramatic and strangely moving. It evokes both the surrealism of Magritte and the classical beauty of the old masters while reminding us of the ephemerality of art and nature

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We, the Domesticated Cyborg

Tim Maly, over at Quiet Babylon, is celebrating 50th anniversary of the concept of the cyborg (first coined in 1960) by soliciting brief essays from a bunch of writers. I contributed a very short essay that is adapted from a section of my new book. A snippet of the piece he is running as the first of50 posts about cyborgs.
Double-amputee sprinter Oscar Pistorius at the start of the men's 400 meters race at the Track and Field Golden Gala in 2008.
The deep union of ourselves with our inventions is not new. If a cyborg means a being that is part biological and part technological then we humans began as cyborgs, and still are. Our ancestors first chipped stone scrapers 2.5 million years ago to give themselves claws. By about 250,000 years ago they devised crude techniques for cooking, or pre-digesting, with fire. Cooking acts as a supplemental external stomach. Once humans acquired this artificial organ it permitted them to evolve smaller teeth and smaller jaw muscles and provided more kinds of stuff to eat. Our invention altered us.
We are not the same folks who marched out of Africa. Our genes have co-evolved with our inventions. In the past 10,000 years alone, in fact, our genes have evolved 100 times faster than the average rate for the previous 6 million years. This should not be a surprise. As we domesticated the dog (in all its breeds) from wolves and bred cows and corn and more from their unrecognizable ancestors, we, too, have been domesticated....
Clearly, we are self-made. We are the first technology. We are part inventor and part the invented. We have used our minds to manufacture our selves and thus we humans today are the first cyborgs. We have invented ourselves. And we are not done yet.

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Galaxy Gear: Samsung unveils new smartwatch

Smartphones, with their big screens and accurate clocks, have been blamed for the failing sales of wristwatches. But on Wednesday in Berlin, Samsung announced a gadget that, it hopes, will soon be decking those currently empty wrists - a smart watch.
Modern, appealing wearable tech took a step closer to reality when Samsung announced the Galaxy Gear. And the Korean manufacturer will hope it is paving the way for a whole new category of gadget with this invention.
Nobody puts on a show quite like Samsung. A hidden orchestra played highly effective background music, giant screens showed images of new products and, suddenly, black cloths fell away to double the screen size. JK Shin, Samsung's president and CEO, revealed this highly secret product in the most sideways of fashions: when talking about another phone, the screen showed an image of the smart watch as if by accident, proving it can put text message alerts and reminders on your wrist.
So far, the buzzphrase of wearable tech has been mostly limited to gadgets that are not on widespread sale, like the Google Glass headset that is turning out to be the most Marmitey of gizmos, inspiring strong reactions even from people who have never even seen one. Or the Apple iWatch which remains nothing more than rumour at present.
Smart watches could be a more palatable bit of kit than a glasses headset. There are already smart wrist bands like the Nike+ FuelBand which monitors your every step to encourage you to get fitter, but the new breed of smart watch will do much more and will work in conjunction with your smartphone or tablet.
Since big-screen phones like the Sony Xperia Z Ultra with its gigantic 6.4 inch display can be unwieldy, a smart watch will let you see who is calling without retrieving the glass slab from your bag. In fact, Sony is already working on this and releases its second smart watch this month after the first one failed to take off. Samsung will hope for better sales with its model.
The Galaxy Gear is a watch with a 1.63-inch bright touchscreen display and slick stainless steel frame. It allows you to make and receive calls (think Dick Tracy but with a brighter watch strap – actually there are six straps to choose from). Other smart watches do not do this and Samsung sees it as a real game changer. Whether anyone really wants to make a phone call by shouting into their wrist without donning a trenchcoat and trilby is uncertain.
With the Gear, the speaker and microphone are embedded in the strap so you hold your hand to your ear to make calls – though Samsung says you can move your hand wherever you like during a call.
The Gear cannot do any of this unless you have a Samsung smartphone that links it to the mobile phone network. When it is connected it can show incoming texts and messages, or remind you of upcoming appointments. It also uses S Voice – Samsung’s voice-control app similar to Apple’s Siri – so you can set an alarm, check the weather and more using voice commands.
A camera in the strap will take a photo when you swipe the screen. And the Gear has apps which add extra functionality to make sharing photos and messages easier still. A motion sensor means you can use it as a pedometer to monitor your activity. Samsung says it will change how we interact with each other.
There is no doubt that Samsung is now one of the most innovative and influential companies in the world, in any field, showing that it can execute advanced products faster than rivals and at lower prices.
Samsung has done what Apple likes to do: taken a barely established product category and made it approachable, attractive and even desirable. But how many people really want the innovations it so effortlessly delivers remains to be seen.

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Sony New Invention

Sony has been coming up with new invention idea.. This company try to invent new laptop like above....

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Thursday, September 12, 2013


Hallgrimskirkja Lutheran Church in Reykjavik, is the fourth tallest building in Iceland. The project was developed by the parish church in 1937 by architect Gudi Nom Samuelson. For the construction of the church they took 38 years. The church is located in the center of Reykjavik, and it’s visible to see from any part of the city. It became one of the main attractions of the city, and is also used as a survey platform

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Muchy w zębach ... motocykle, dziewczyny i takie tam ...

Jednokołowe wehikuły choć nie są  nowym pomysłem, czasem pozwalają rozwinąć fantazję ...

Konstrukcyjny majstersztyk. Forma, detale ... choć nie wiem czy to nie jest tylko wyrób na potrzeby filmowe, czy do niedzielnych przejażdżek? :)

Bardziej przyziemny ...
... prostszy ...
   ... i zapewne jezdny jednokołowiec na bazie silnika Agusty może się już nie wydawać tylko snem szaleńca. Z drugiej strony ciekawe jak się tym jeździ?

   Ale cała historia rozpoczęła się w 1883 roku , kiedy to polski konstruktor Stanisław Barycki stworzył Jaskółkę - jednokołowy wehikół, który choć w dalszym etapie prób napędzany był przez konia, w pierwszych próbach jeździł samodzielnie ( zjeżdżając z wzniesień).
Jaskółka Baryckiego ( 1883 r. )
    Podczas II Wojny Światowej przeprowadzano również próby z takimi pojazdami, ale jak można przypuszczać nie były zbyt przydatne.

 Włoski konstruktor M. Goventosa de Udine w swoim wehikule mógł się rozpędzić do prędkości 150 km/h.

   Również i dzisiaj przeprowadzane są próby konstruowania jednokołowców. Amerykanin Kerry McLean z Michigan w swoim The McLean V8 Monowheel rozpędza się do około 90 km/h, choć jak twierdzi jest w stanie osiągnąć prędkość 160 km/h, lecz opanowanie maszyny i jej wyhamowywanie sprawia jak na razie dość dużą trudność.
The McLean V8 Monowheel
   Obecnie firma Ryno Motors próbuje wprowadzić na rynek własna wersję jednokołowca. Czy znajdą się chętni? Czas pokaże.

Ja tam obstaję w nieco archaicznym - klasycznym wyglądzie jednokołowego wehikułu ... :)

Dodatki :)

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Rubik’s Cube Museum

In March of 2012 the Hungarian governor Fürjes Balazs announced official the plans of a Rubik’s Cube museum which will exhibit the last 1100 years of the Hungarian intellectual performance. Following the announcement, the Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán Viktor and Rubik Erno signed the memorandum of cooperation.

According to the plans the construction of the Rubik’s Cube shaped museum will begin on the 40thanniversary of the invention in 2014, which is also the 70th birthday of the inventor, Rubik Erno. The museum might open for the public in 2017 next to the Rákóczi Danube bridge in Budapest.
rubiks cube museum budapest Rubiks Cube Museum
The Prime Minister said that the Rubik’s Cube is the symbol of the Hungarian intellectual spirit and the Government is confident that the new Rubik’s Cube Museum will become the symbol of the Hungarian renaissance in the 21st century.
Next year the government will announce an international architectural competition for the project. They are also planning a moving exhibition for the 40th anniversary of the Magic Cube which will present the history and diversity of the cube around the world.
After the announcement the Prime Minister and Rubik Erno signed the memorandum of cooperation in which the inventor approves that the museum can have the shape of the cube patented by him and the government welcomes any proposal and idea of Rubik Erno

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Time calls Google Glass “Best Invention of the Year”

This week the folks at Time magazine have released their yearly Best Inventions of the Year list and on it is none other than our good pal Google Glass.

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Looking for Solar Powered Inventions ! Solar energy  can be found almost everywhere in the world. Decades back, solar energy was the thing of future as the people used to take it as future devices, etc. But today it is the part of our present technological development and the part of our lives. There are whopping amount of devices on solar energy and they are much successful. Let’s talk about the top solar powered inventions so far in the world.
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Vibram FiveFingers Named A "Best Invention of 2007"

Vibram FiveFingers, a unique glove-styled shoe, was named one of the “Best Inventions of 2007” according to Time magazine. All of the products named to Time's list “represent the coolest stuff from the most innovative minds in the world,” writes Time managing editor Richard Stengel in his notes to readers in the November 12th, 2007 issue. 

Originally developed as a “barefoot alternative” for sailing, climbing, and light trekking, FiveFingers footwear is quickly gaining popularity among runners; fitness enthusiasts; yoga and Pilates practitioners; martial artists; surfers; kayakers; hikers and travelers. This amazing footwear alternative offers all the health benefits of going barefoot with the protection and grip of a Vibram sole.

Technology writer Lev Grossman and his team of Time writers and editors, chose 45 of their favorite inventions and 17 clever reinventions of everyday items. Vibram FiveFingers was touted as “Reinvented: The Sandal” in the Health section. 

Time continued, “With a rubber sole contoured to the shape of your foot and a separate pocket for every toe, the Vibram FiveFingers shoe feels like going barefoot without the calluses.”

“We are thrilled and honored to make Time's Best Inventions list,” said Tony Post, president & CEO, Vibram USA. “It’s exciting to have the world’s leading news magazine recognize our passionate commitment to product innovation and the many health benefits of wearing Vibram FiveFingers.”

FiveFingers add a unique sense of feel to any activity, putting the user more in touch with their body and their surrounding environment. Wearing FiveFingers not only strengthens muscles in the feet and lower legs, it can improve one’s balance, agility, posture, range of motion, and general foot health.

Currently offered in three models, ClassicSprint and Surge, FiveFingers is available in men’s sizes 41 to 47 (8 to 14) and women’s sizes 36 to 42 (5 to 11.5) and ranges in price from $70 to $100. In 2008 two new models, the KSO and Flow, will be launched. Each style features a patented, non-marking Vibram outsole designed to follow the contours and flex points of the foot and toes with razor-siping for a sure grip on wet, slippery surfaces. The inner footbed utilizes the AEGIS Microbe Shield application that kills odor-causing microbes without any adverse environmental impact.
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Walt Disney World's New Technology is Arriving: Your Guide to My Magic+

Walt Disney World in Florida is rolling out a new, interactive system that promises to revolutionize the way guests tour and explore Disney Parks and Resorts. It’s called My Magic+, and chances are, if you’ve visited Disney in the past year or so, you’ve used it already.
My Magic+ has three key elements: My Disney Experience, the account that manages all of your information, filled in by you online or on the smartphone app; FastPass+, the new system for reserving times for attractions and other experiences ahead of time; and MagicBands, the wearable RFID device which can act as resort room key, theme park admission, and more.
My Disney Experience
My Disney Experience (mydisneyexperience.com) is the hub of My Magic+: an account available to every guest entering the park, where they can migrate all of their reservations and planning into one place. If you already have park tickets or even Annual Passes, you can link them to My Disney Experience to access all the My Magi+ enhancements. You might already use My Disney Experience, but for those who haven't, here is an explanation.
When you make dining or resort reservations via the Disney website, you’re asked to start a Disney account. This will be your My Disney Experience account.
My Disney Experience is going to ask you for information not just about yourself, but also the rest of your party: the Friends & Family. Every time you add a reservation, you’ll be prompted to include which members of your Friends & Family are joining you. That’s because Disney wants to be able to customize your experience. When you walk into Kona Cafe for your twelve thirty lunch reservation, the Cast Member at the podium will almost certainly greet you by name, and if there’s a birthday or anniversary in the party, the Cast Member will already be aware and prepared for the celebration.
And, down the road, special interactive features at attractions or character meet and greets could mean that Mickey Mouse himself greets your child by name, or wishes you a happy birthday.
My Disney Experience starts at home, but gets really useful when you take it on the road: the free smartphone app, when integrated with your account, will hold all of your reservations, but it also includes park hours, up-to-date wait times for attractions, and helpful resort information such as dining availability at every hotel and park across the property.
But My Disney Experience is only the tip of the iceberg with My Magic+. The next big piece of this interactive puzzle is FastPass+.
Disney’s FASTPASS has been a part of the theme parks for many years now: it’s a way for guests to bypass long lines at popular attractions by getting a reservation to come back and ride it later. Instead of standing in line for an hour, you get a voucher stating that if you come back in an hour, there will be a spot for you closer to the front -- as if the voucher was doing the wait for you.
Successfully navigating the parks while using FASTPASS attractions in order to minimize wait times has become common for frequent guests. But you have to be at the attraction to physically get the FASTPASS voucher, and you can only hold one FASTPASS at a time. FastPass+ aims to change that.
When FastPass+ becomes available, guests will be encouraged to make reservations for a variety of experiences -- attractions, meet and greets, entertainment, even reserved parade and firework viewing areas -- before their trip. It’s a way to lock in attractions or shows that your party absolutely wants to experience, without having to worry about getting there early to obtain a FASTPASS or spot in line.
To use FastPass+, guests with a resort reservation and a theme park admission option linked up on their My Disney Experience account will be able to go online, choose an attraction, choose a time of day to experience the attraction, and simply show up at the attraction’s FastPass+ entrance within the appointed time window, without having to walk up to the attraction and take out a voucher for a time later in the day.
This could change the way guests tour the parks in many ways. Consider this scenario: you know you’re going to be at the Magic Kingdom in the morning but have dining reservations at Epcot in the evening. You could make FastPass+ reservations, pending availability, to Soarin’, Test Track, and an IllumiNations viewing area -- without having to visit the park early enough to obtain FastPasses for later in the day.
FastPass+ is currently in testing, with various resorts participating at different time periods. The thing to remember about FastPass+ is that it’s only available to guests staying at Walt Disney World Resort hotels. FASTPASS for select attractions will remain in use for day guests and for guests who don’t wish to participate in FastPass+.
MagicBands are the physical part of My Disney Experience. Currently, most Disney Resort hotel guests use a Key to the World card -- that’s a plastic, RFID-enabled key card that does duty as a room key, park ticket, room charge, and even PhotoPass. The MagicBand, currently in testing, simplifies the one-card approach by skipping a card (which can easily be lost, dropped, or forgotten) and allowing a guest to wear a customizable rubber band on their arm.
MagicBands, which have the trademark Mickey Mouse head logo stamped front and center, are the result of Disney’s efforts to simultaneously reduce waits and customize vacations for guests. Guests who have tested MagicBands and FastPass+ report being greeted by name after their MagicBand is touched to the RFID reader in the FastPass+ queue, a touch of traditional Disney hospitality made possible through technology. The RFID technology also works as a touch-to-pay interface with merchandise and dining, resort room key, and everything else the Key to the World card is currently enabled to do.
MagicBands, once widely available, can be selected ahead of your Disney stay -- currently, in testing, guests are invited to choose colors for everyone in their party, and they’ll arrive in a box labeled with each guest’s name -- or added to your stay at the front desk of the Disney resort when you check in. To speed the process, of course, everything will be available from home. As long as your entire party (the “Friends & Family” in the My Disney Experience site) are linked into your main account, you’ll be able to choose and sync dining, FastPass+ reservations, and add your room key and room charges functionality with ease
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Ferrari World Abu Dhabi - Montezemolo-Land New Cars + New Gear + New Technology

Last year's inaugural Abu Dhabi Grand Prix at the Yas Marina Circuit was memorable for at least two things. One, it was like watching Formula One from the future. And two, that giant structure with a huge Ferrari logo on it. The latter is a theme park, Ferrari World Abu Dhabi, a place that covers more than a million square feet. It boasts the world's fastest roller coaster ride (with cars shaped like Ferraris, naturally). On a less Disney-esque note, it also has race simulators and schools for junior drivers.

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New Car Only Two Wheel -World New Technology

Facilities of new Car only Two wheel;
1:Two seat electric car that's essentially a big honkin Segway.
2:Reduce congestion and prevent accidents
PUMA uses a lithium ion battery;
3: General Motors and the people who make the world's coolest scooter have developed a two wheeled.
4: Makes us wonder how long it'll be before Woz is playing polo with one.
5: The idea the cars would communicate with each other wirelessly to regulate speed.
6: To deliver a range of 35 miles.
7: Digital smart energy management.
8: Purchase price, insurance; maintenance and fuel would be one-third to one-fourth the cost of an average car.It’s very simple and enjoyable only two wheel car for next world.You can get available now.but diadvantage is this that only two person can travel.

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Vehicle for Future Technology That Single Seat Wheel: World New Technology

It is produced by Eric Stoddard.
Trik.E is a powered concept vehicle that 3-wheeled human or electric. This car will offer all season riding by protecting the rider from various weather conditions. This car is main feature of single seating innovative lean steering mechanism that provides nimble but secured handling. The designer has not envisioned it vehicle as a bicycle. It is a bicycle but it is great alternative of car for round the town transportation. This car can go everywhere a bicycle can go. It will save a significant amount of money. The bike is very easy to park and requires license or any insurance that is very cheap.

That vehicle is including all super technology. It has very high speed and it is very nice car and it’s no bad effect on environment.

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